How many flavors do you have?
We currently offer 3 recipes - beef, chicken and turkey.
Is your food raw?
No, our food is gently cooked then freeze-dried, and packaged in individual-sealed bags.
Is your food human grade?
Our food is not currently certified as human-grade. However, all of our ingredients are certified USDA ingredients made in the US. We are in the process of obtaining a human grade certification.
What is the shelf life of your food?
Because our food is sealed in individual bags it can be stored in the freezer for up to 18months. Once reconstituted, unused food must be refrigerated and best used within 24hrs. Any reconstituted uneaten food should be discarded within 2 hours of feeding.
How is your food packaged?
Our food is packaged in 4 and 8 ounce sealed resealable bags.
Do you customize recipes?
Unfortunately, we are not able to make individual customized recipes at this time. However, if your pet has a particular allergy, feel free to contact us to check and see if our recipes contain any of those particular allergens.
Do you sell your food individually or is it subscription-based?
We do not currently offer trial sizes.
Where do you ship?
We currently ship within the Contiguous United States.
How long will it take for me to receive my delivery?
Most shipments are received in 5 to 7 business days from shipping day. Once your order has been processed and ready to ship, you will receive a shipping confirmation and tracking number.
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